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Name and Address
Infosim GmbH Co. KG
Landsteinerstraße 4
97074 Würzburg





Managing Director
Dr. Stefan Köhler

Company Registration Number
HRA 5400, Würzburg

Tax ID Number
DE 230515790

General Partner
Infosim Verwaltungs GmbH
Company registration number HRB 8208
Würzburg, Germany

Place of Jurisdiction
Würzburg, Germany

Warranty Disclaimers, Limitations on Liability, and Remedies

This website contains summarized information that will be subjected to periodic changes. At the time of writing, Infosim® has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the statements contained within this website are accurate and error-free. No warranties are expressed or implied.

Infosim® does not warrant that the website, its content, or the products and services it offers on this website meet your requirements. Subject to the terms of any agreement between you and Infosim®, in no event Infosim® will be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages resulting from use or inability from use, modification, participation, duplication, distribution, and download of content, business interruptions, goodwill, loss of business, revenues and profits, loss of use and data, loss of programs or information, and other loss of economic benefits. Regardless of how these damages have been arisen, whether by contract-according acting, negligence, or other unauthorized or tortious actions, strict liability, or otherwise resulting from the use or service of the available information on this website, even if you inform Infosim® about the possible occurrence of such damages in advance.

Except as expressly stated in an agreement between you and Infosim®, all content, services, products, software, documents, links, and other informations provided on this website are provided on „as is“ and „as available“ basis without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory. Infosim® expressly disclaims all expressed or implied warranties to the fullest extent permitted by law, regarding this website, including, without limitation, those of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of proprietary, and intellectual property rights.

Infosim® will not be a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for any transaction negotiated or arranged by you arising in connection with this website. In any event, if any of the provisions are not enforceable in an applicable jurisdiction, the maximum liability of Infosim® will be limited to, in the sole discretion of Infosim®, either the (1) correction or deletion of any inaccurate content or link, or (2) refund of any fees for this website received by Infosim® from you.

If applicable law does not allow the exclusion of some or all of the above implied warranties, the above exclusions will apply to the user to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

Every effort is made to ensure the completeness of the information contained on this website, as well as quality, truthfulness, results, timelessness, and absence of (typing-)errors and imprecisions. Infosim® makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy of the information, including product editorials, product specifications, or advertising.

Regarding to this, without limitation, Infosim® extends no warranty, guarantee, or representations that this website will be constantly available, uninterrupted, timely, accessible, compatible, secure, or free from computer virus. Particularly, if the interference is caused by an external element, which is located outside the premises of Infosim®.

You are solely responsible for appropriate security measures and backup of your data and/or devices used in connection with the website, and you make no claim against Infosim® for data loss, or additional time for repetitions, imprecision of expenditure, work delays, or lost profits claims, arising from the use of the materials on this website.